
The Alley of Brands of the Far East has become an effective platform for promoting local creative products

3rd September

Far Easternentrepreneurs worthily presented their products on the Alley of Brands at theAugust Forum of Creative Industries “Created in the Far East” and the EasternEconomic Forum – 2024, held in September.


The Alley of Far Eastern Brands is ashowcase of authentic small business products, which regional experts in thefield of creative industries selected according to the methodology of thefederal WONDERUSSIA project. As a result, entrepreneurs who showed anoriginal creative approach to creating a product that corresponds to thedirections of creative industries and is geographically linked to the FarEastern region got to the Alley of Brands. These are products and projects inthe field of architecture and urbanism, cinema and animation, design andfashion, gastronomy, music, computer games and media.


26 brands,5 artists and creative teams, 4 creative studios and 8 content projects wererepresented on the Brand Alley. Of these, 23 entrepreneurs showed theirproducts, where 7100 guests from 75 countries saw them.


Thegeography of the brands is quite wide: these are the Amur Region, the Republicof Buryatia, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Trans-Baikal Territory, theKamchatka Territory, the Magadan Region, the Primorsky Territory, the Republicof Sakha (Yakutia), the Sakhalin Region, the Khabarovsk Territory, the ChukotkaAutonomous Okrug.


Theorganizers of the Alley of Brands are the Ministry of the Russian Federationfor the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, the Far East andArctic Development Corporation (ERDC) together withthe Creative Industries Federation (CIF).


“TheAlley of Brands of the Far East has shown its effectiveness both at the Forumof Creative Industries “Created in the Far East” in Khabarovsk and at the WEFin Vladivostok. The project has become an effective platform for the promotionof Far Eastern creative products. With the help of the Alley of Brands, morethan 20 local entrepreneurs were able to present themselves, find potentialpartners, including at the international level,” Hasan Hasanbalaev, Executive Directorof the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation (ERDC) for socialdevelopment, shared his opinion.


Igor M.Namakonov, CEO of Creative Industries Federation (CIF), is alsoconfident that the brand platform of the Eastern Economic Forum – 2024 hasshown an effective format for popularizing local creative products in Russiaand abroad.


" EasternEconomic Forum has shown that after the adoption of the law, creativeindustries have become not a separate track, they no longer look marginal,temporary or fashionable. This is already a ubiquitous topic, and issues of thedevelopment of creative industries are discussed in different modes, indifferent directions. For example, how to earn money and how to develop regionsin this context, given that the fifth article of the Federal Law on theDevelopment of Creative Industries implies the self-determination of regions inchoosing priority areas of such industries. This is the most important thing,in fact, what we, as a Federation, were going for. Now we are moving towardsmaking the logic of a creative product on the agenda of the maximum number oftraditional industries," IgorM. Namakonov commented onthe event.


Theeffectiveness of the Alley of Brands for promoting products to a wide and,including, foreign audience is confirmed by the entrepreneurs themselves. Thus,the Yakut clothing brand INNIKI, after successfully working on the Alley ofBrands, received an invitation to present products at the Eastern EconomicForum 2024 and the exhibition inDalian, China.


"The Alley of Brands turned out to be morethan just an exhibition – it is a real catalyst for the growth and developmentof the creative industry. As a designer, I perfectly understand how importantit is to get the opportunity to show my work to a wide audience, attract theattention of potential partners and reach a new level. In Russia, where manycultures are intertwined, the Alley of Brands has become an ideal platform forcombining talents and promoting creativity on an international scale. This is notonly an opportunity to increase awareness in Russia, but also to open doors tothe international market. The export of creative products is not just the saleof goods, it is the promotion of Russian culture and style all over the world.The Alley of Brands is a great platform to give impetus to this importantmission!" Isabella Dordosova, founder of the INNIKIbrand, shares her emotions.


The Alleyof Brands has become a real business card of the creative business of the FarEast. The fact that the products of its participants were appreciated at theEastern Economic Forum – 2024 will positively affect both the tourist image ofthe region and the expansion of business ties and contacts.

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