
Results of the «Creative Industries: A Journalistic Perspective» Contest

5th June

CIF announced theresults of the all-Russian contest «Creative Industries: A JournalisticPerspective». Seventy-nine employees from federal and regional media outletsparticipated in the professional competition. The winners were journalists fromMoscow and Rostov-on-Don. They were awarded at the Independent Media galaevening during St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

We share links to the best contest entries:

·      Tatiana Pechegina, Moscow. ImpactGoes to the Movies. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Investments in RussianCinema

·      Alexander Gavrilenko, Rostov-on-Don. The First Accelerator for Creative Industries Opened in Rostov-on-Don

·      Alyona Grigorash, Moscow. Interview Tour with Curator Anna Kistanova at the «Falconet. Architecture of Light» Exhibition

«Our initiative aims to support journalists who strive to draw publicattention to the creative industries, reveal their importance for the country'seconomy, and inform the general public about achievements in this field,» said CIF CEO Igor M. Namakonov.

The contest was timed to coincide with the second anniversary of theFederation of Creative Industries and will now become a permanent CIF format. Applications for the new season willbegin soon.


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